***Before you do this activity, make sure you have finished Monday's work***
Freie Wahl Mittwoch!
Today, you get to CHOOSE what you do. There are few requirements. You need to follow them.
- It MUST be (relatively) quiet in class--This is DEUTSCHZEIT Yes, you may interact with peers
- I MUST be able to trust you to use this time
- Choose something YOU enjoy--if you don’t like it, stop and find something else to do
- You WILL be presenting (in English or German) to small groups on Monday
- You have to fill out the handout in your notebook - see below
Tagesschau : News
Nico’s Weg: German Telenovela
Galileo Videos: Alle Themen unter der Sonne!
Easy German: German videos mit Untertiteln
Galileo Videos: Alle Themen unter der Sonne!
Easy German: German videos mit Untertiteln
www.duolingo.com : Last resort… Try something NEW!
Deutsch lernen : take the placement test or start at A1 (1st year) or A2 / B1 (3rd year)
KUNST: Research German art/artists and create something in that style Neoklassizismus Kunst, Dadaismus, Kunst Romantik Caspar David Friedrich, Bauhaus / Blaue Reiter / die Brücke Kunst Paul Klee Kandinsky, Biedermeier Kunst, Kunst Weimarer Republik
SEHEN: Watch German programming Für Kinder Sport Knowledge Kultur ZDF: More options (hover over Rubriken and select)
Documentaries : Choose a type at the top, then scroll down to choose a video
Find things to cook: Chefkoch Essen & Trinken Brigitte Lecker
Read--I have a selection of books and magazines on the shelf under the cabinet! Please treat them kindly!
Kaffeeklatsch--sit with a FEW friends and talk--auf Deutsch--about whatever
Write your own song/poem/short story/about your life/day/week/snow/...
Freie Wahl Freitag
I chose to: ________________________________________________________________________________
because… ________________________________________________________________________________
I used (resources): _________________________________________________________________________
I learned / I created (SPECIFICS): ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I would recommend this ja / nein … to…___________________________________________
… because ________________________________________________________________________________
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