Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Freie Wahl Mittwoch!

Lernziele: I am curious and interested in German language and culture of German speaking countries.

***Before you do this activity, make sure you have finished Monday's work***

Freie Wahl Mittwoch!

Today, you get to CHOOSE what you do. There are few requirements. You need to follow them.
  2. It MUST be (relatively) quiet in class--This is DEUTSCHZEIT Yes, you may interact with peers
  3. I MUST be able to trust you to use this time
  4. Choose something YOU enjoy--if you don’t like it, stop and find something else to do
  5. You WILL be presenting (in English or German) to small groups on Monday
  7. You have to fill out the handout in your notebook - see below
Lyrics Translate (Go English → German or German → English)

Tagesschau  : News

Nico’s Weg: German Telenovela  
Galileo Videos: Alle Themen unter der Sonne!
Easy German: German videos mit Untertiteln

www.duolingo.com  : Last resort… Try something NEW!                 
Deutsch lernen : take the placement test or start at A1 (1st year) or A2 / B1 (3rd year)

KUNST: Research German art/artists and create something in that style Neoklassizismus Kunst, Dadaismus, Kunst Romantik Caspar David Friedrich, Bauhaus / Blaue Reiter / die Brücke Kunst Paul Klee Kandinsky, Biedermeier Kunst, Kunst Weimarer Republik

SEHEN: Watch German programming Für Kinder  Sport  Knowledge  Kultur  ZDF: More options (hover over Rubriken and select)
Documentaries : Choose a type at the top, then scroll down to choose a video

Find things to cook: Chefkoch   Essen & Trinken   Brigitte   Lecker

Read--I have a selection of books and magazines on the shelf under the cabinet! Please treat them kindly!

Kaffeeklatsch--sit with a FEW friends and talk--auf Deutsch--about whatever

Write your own song/poem/short story/about your life/day/week/snow/...

Im Notizbuch:
Freie Wahl Freitag

I chose to: ________________________________________________________________________________
because… ________________________________________________________________________________
I used (resources): _________________________________________________________________________
I learned / I created (SPECIFICS): ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I would recommend this         ja                   nein    … to…___________________________________________
… because ________________________________________________________________________________

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